Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster in 30 seconds with Klusternetes


Let’s see how to spin up a Virtual Kubernetes cluster in 30 seconds with Klusternetes.


Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that allows you to create a Kubernetes cluster in 30 seconds. It also provides some of the leading DevOps tools as add-ons while creating your Cluster and provides a Service URL for add-ons that have UI.


  • Sign in to Klusternetes App with your Gmail or GitHub credentials.
  • Create an account with a Starter plan. {you can upgrade the plan if you are interested or can change it later whenever you are comfortable using it }
  • Now you will get a page to create a cluster. Fill in all the necessary columns like cluster name, version, expiry time, and size of the cluster, and click on next.
  • Now you will be taken to the features page here you can select any add-on that you want to experiment on or that you need and click on submit. Small info here, klusternetes installs an ingress controller in your cluster by default.
  • That’s it, Now you will get the kubeconfig file to download and when you click on download you even get the commands to download that kubeconfig file.
  • Now you can export and use that cluster. yay!! you create a Kubernetes cluster just in 30 seconds, wow! isn’t that cool?
  • ok, Now when you click on Done you will lead to a page that shows you all the clusters that you created and when you click on the “+” symbol you will get all the info related to it.


Wow, such a nice thing. You get to create a cluster in just 30 sec, that also has an ingress controller pre-deployed. And install any add-on that you want.