Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Openfaas in 90 Seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Openfaas installed in it in just 90 Seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Openfaas: OpenFaaS® makes it easy for developers to deploy event-driven functions and microservices to Kubernetes without repetitive, boilerplate coding. Package your code or an existing binary in a Docker image to get a highly scalable endpoint… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Openfaas in 90 Seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster With RabbitMQ in 3 Minutes

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with RabbitMq installed in it in just 3 Minutes with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : RabbitMq: RabbitMQ is one of the most popular open-source message brokers. It is used worldwide by small startups and large enterprises. It is lightweight and easy to deploy on-premises and in the cloud. It supports multiple… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster With RabbitMQ in 3 Minutes

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Node-red in 90 Seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Node-red installed in it in just 90 Seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Node-red: Node-RED is a programming tool for wiring together hardware devices, APIs, and online services in new and interesting ways. It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Node-red in 90 Seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Cert Manager in 50 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Cert Manager installed in it in just 50 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Cert Manager: cert-manager adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing, and using those certificates. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that allows you to create… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Cert Manager in 50 seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Reloader in 60 Seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Reloader installed in it in just 60 Seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Reloader: Reloader can watch changes in ConfigMap and Secret and do rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated DeploymentConfigs, Deployments, Daemonsets Statefulsets and Rollouts. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that allows you to create a Kubernetes… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Reloader in 60 Seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with sealed-secrets in 60 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with sealed-secrets installed in it in just 60 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Sealed-secrets: The kubeseal utility uses asymmetric crypto to encrypt secrets that only the controller can decrypt. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that allows you to create a Kubernetes cluster in a few seconds. It also provides… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with sealed-secrets in 60 seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with System-upgrade-controller in 100 Seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with System-upgrade-controller installed in it in just 100 Seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : System-upgrade-controller: system-upgrade-controller aims to provide a general-purpose, Kubernetes-native upgrade controller (for nodes). It introduces a new CRD, the Plan, for defining any and all of your upgrade policies/requirements. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that allows you… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with System-upgrade-controller in 100 Seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Keda in 70 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Keda installed in it in just 70 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Keda: KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler. With KEDA, you can drive the scaling of any container in Kubernetes based on the number of events needing to be processed. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Keda in 70 seconds