Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Parca in 50 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Parca installed in it in just 50 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Parca: Parca is a continuous profiling project. Continuous profiling is the act of taking profiles (such as CPU, Memory, I/O, and more) of programs in a systematic way. Parca collects, stores, and makes profiles available to… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Parca in 50 seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Loki in 100 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Loki installed in it in just 100 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Loki: Grafana Loki is a set of components that can be composed into a fully featured logging stack. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that allows you to create a Kubernetes cluster in a few seconds. It… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Loki in 100 seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Netdata in 65 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Netdata installed in it in just 65 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Netdata: Netdata is an open-source tool designed to collect real-time metrics, such as CPU usage, disk activity, bandwidth usage, website visits, etc., and then display them in live, easy-to-interpret charts. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Netdata in 65 seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus in 80 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus installed in it in just 80 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Prometheus: Prometheus collects and stores its metrics as time series data, i.e. metrics information is stored with the timestamp at which it was recorded, alongside optional key-value pairs called labels. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Prometheus in 80 seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Grafana in just 60 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Grafana installed in it in just 60 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Grafana: Grafana is a multi-platform open-source analytics and interactive visualization web application. It provides charts, graphs, and alerts for the web when connected to supported data sources. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that allows you to… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Grafana in just 60 seconds

Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Thanos in just 80 seconds

Scenario: Let’s create a Virtual Kubernetes cluster with Thanos installed in it in just 80 seconds with Klusternetes(KNTS) Introduction : Thanos: Thanos provides a global query view, high availability, and data backup with historical, cheap data access as its core features in a single binary. Klusternetes: Klusternetes is a platform that allows you to create a… Continue reading Spin Up Virtual Kubernetes Cluster with Thanos in just 80 seconds